David Rothenberg's review begins, "For anyone who has been affected by the novels of Pat Conroy (particularly "The Great Santini"), a slim books CONVERSATION WITH THE CONROYS (published by South Carolina U Press) is a riveting experience.  Pat, and four of his siblings, participated in a series of pubilc forums in South Carolina.  It is impossible not to be moved and/or reflective as they share their childhood memories. That they survived a severely dysfunctional family, with humor and determination, is to be admired, envied and assessed.  But the scars are revealed as they describe the suicide of one brother, Tom...and a sister, Carol, who has virtually shut them out of her life. Their reflections of their respective childhoods are as dramatic as brother Pat's fictionalization of his martinet father, a man memorably captured by Robert Duval in the Santini film version, Pat Conroy's novels are always an illuminating and emotional experience."

Join David Rothenberg Saturday, January 30 for the rest of the review.  

David Rothenberg's ANY SATURDAY